Introductory Statement:
The purpose of this statement is to provide information and guidelines to parents and teachers on Parent/Teacher Meetings and Parent/teacher communication in our school. The home is central to the development of the child and the nurturing of Christian values. The school and the family strive to be mutually supportive of each other so that the child’s education can be effective.

This policy evolved after consultation with Class Teachers, Support Teachers, B.O.M. and parents.

Parents are encouraged to:

  • Develop close links with the school
  • Collaborate with the school in developing the full potential of their children
  • Share the responsibility of seeing that the school remains true to its ethos values and distinctive character.
  • Become actively involved in the school/parent association
  • Participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting them
  • To avail of ongoing adult education programmes organised by the school.


  • Open afternoon for parents of new Junior Infants – mid June
  • Parents and pupils are welcomed to the school by the Principal and Infant Teacher where the necessary documentation is distributed.
  • Formal Parent/teacher meetings, one-to-one in October. These will be held after school, at a time that is convenient to the parent, (within reason)
  • Meeting re: religious services on Reconciliation, Penance, Communion and Confirmation
  • Meetings with parents with children with special needs
  • Speech and Language Meetings.
  • Consultation throughout the year
  • Written communication
  • Regular newsletters inform parents about school matters
  • Newsletter will keep parents up to date with school events, holidays and school concerns
  • Home work diary in Middle and Senior classes used to relay messages which are signed between parents and teachers
  • Parents are invited to school concerts, school matches, Sports Day and other school events.
  • Involvement of parents in the Religion Alive O programme section for parents
  • Parents creativity for Art/Craft project, (wherever applicable.)
  • Helping with ICT projects, (wherever applicable.)

The aims of Parent/Teacher meetings:

  • to let parents know how their children are doing in school
  • to inform teachers on how children are coping outside school
  • to establish an ongoing relationship and communication with parents
  • to help teachers/parents get to know the children better as individuals
  • to help children realise that home and school are working together.

Informal Parent/Teacher Meetings:
Communication between parents and teachers is to be encouraged.

Arranging parent/teacher meetings within the school day while children are in school is difficult. However, parents are welcome to speak to the principal or class teacher at an arranged time suitable to both parties.. In case of prior appointments it would be wise to ring in advance.

Informal communication takes place early morning between teachers and parents while children are changing their shoes and hanging up their coats. This informal chat is very important.

However, meetings with class teachers at class doors to discuss a child’s concern/progress is discouraged on a number of grounds:

  1. A teacher cannot adequately supervise her class while at the same time speaking to a parent.
  2. It is difficult to be discrete when so many children are standing close by.
  3. It can be embarrassing for a child when his/her parent is talking to the teacher at a classroom door.

Occasions occur where a parent needs to speak to a teacher urgently. Sometimes these meetings need to take place without prior notice. The principal will facilitate such meetings making every effort to ensure that the children in the class do not lose out on any of the teaching/learning time they are entitled to. Arrangements will be made by the Principal to supervise the class until the class teacher returns. Alternatively, telephone conversations can be taken, to avoid a child being embarrassed by his/her parent coming to school to talk to the teacher.

If parents wish to drop in lunch boxes, sports gear etc. this can be done through the class teacher as it is important to keep class interruptions down to a minimum.

Formal Meetings:
Formal timetabled Parent Teacher meetings take place in February. However if a parent wishes to arrange a meeting at any stage during the year to discuss their child they may do so by prior appointment.

Parents as a group have a wide range of talents, abilities and skills that have the potential to enrich and extend the educational opportunities provided for pupils.


  • To see that their children attend school regularly and punctually
  • To supervise homework and ensure it is completed
  • To reinforce and support the maintenance of school rules, the school Code of Behaviour


  • To act in loco parentis in the education and care of the children
  • To treat each child with respect and dignity
  • To promote the development of the full potential of each child in each area of the curriculum

The DES is currently preparing a circular in relation to parent/teacher meetings. It is agreed that a parent should be able to have a formal meeting with a teacher at a suitable and convenient time. If such a meeting cannot be facilitated at a formal parent-teacher meeting then the parent will be offered a suitable and convenient appointment for same. At present in each school year there will be one formal parent-teacher meeting. This meeting will normally commence at 3.15 p.m. and will end at 5.45 p.m.; unless otherwise agreed at local level. The school will close 15 minutes early on the day of the formal parent-teacher meeting.

This statement will be reviewed when the circular from the DES is made available.