Aims of Code of Discipline
- A strong sense of community will be created within the school with a high level of co-operation among the staff and between staff, pupils and parents.
- The code will create a positive environment where learning and development can take place.
- A high degree of consensus will exist about standards of behaviour among staff, pupils and parents.
- The pupils will respond positively to the discipline code of the School when it is clearly understood and applied in a consistent manner.
- Where teachers insist firmly but fairly on honest effort and commitment from pupils, and on high standards of behaviour, there is a greater likelihood that these will be achieved.
- Parents will have easy access to teachers, and will realise their own responsibility with regards to standards of behaviour of their children. The school needs the support of parents in order to meet legitimate expectations with regard to good behaviour and discipline.
Code of Discipline
Rules of the School Yard
- Each pupil must respect themselves, school property, other pupils and teachers.
- Pupils may not leave the school premises without permission from a teacher.
- Pupils must enter and leave the school in an orderly manner at all times, and always by the gate.
- Lunch is eaten in the classroom before the children go out into the yard. No food is allowed outside. This is to prevent littering.
- Chewing gum is not permitted in the school at all.
- While playing in the yard, no rough play will be allowed. If any is witnessed by the teacher on duty, they will ask the offender to stop, or, if a “repeat offender”, they will withdraw that child/ those children from the yard.
- When the whistle blows, children will line up immediately at the appropriate door.
- If it starts to rain while the children are on the yard, the whistle will be blown, and the children will be brought inside.
- It may occur sometimes, that the older children are allowed outside, but the younger ones are kept inside. This is at the teachers’ discretion.
Sanctions and Stages in School Discipline.
- Reasoning with the pupil.
- Reprimand-including advice on how to improve.
- Temporary separation from peers, friends or others.
- Loss of privileges.
- Detention during a break within school hours.
- Teacher informs Principal of the situation.
- Communication between parents and teacher regarding the situation.
- Parents invited to meet with teacher and principal, if issue is not resolved.
- Parents called to a further meeting to include Chairman of the Board of Management and the Principal with a view to possible suspension. If a child is suspended or expelled, they have the right to appeal the decision under Section 29 of the Education Act.
- Note: Teachers shall keep a written record of all instances of serious misbehaviours, as well as a record of improvements in the behavior of disruptive pupils. Parents will be involved at an early stage, rather than as a last resort.
School Ethos
- A high standard of behaviour requires a strong sense of community within the school and a high level of co-operation among staff and between staff, pupils and parents.
- In devising a code of discipline, the values of the homes and the wider community of the children have been complemented by the values of the school.
- The school places a greater emphasis on rewards than on Sanctions in the belief that this will ultimately give the most positive results.
- Each teacher has responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within his/her classroom, while sharing a common responsibility for good order within the school premises.
- Responsibility for administration of the code of discipline in a consistent and fair manner will lie with the staff as a co-operative unit.
Rewards for good Behaviour
- The school should provide a welcoming atmosphere towards parents, and parents should not only be told when their children are in trouble but also when they have behaved particularly well.
- Good behaviour must be seen to be rewarded.
- Certificates/stickers/trophies and other forms of positive reinforcement of good behaviour to be rewarded. Homework passes, nights off homework, will also be options.
- Note: The balance between rewards and sanctions in both policy and practice, is a useful touchstone of the school’s approach to maintaining good standards of behaviour.