Art Policy
This policy was formulated to provide for creative and aesthetic experience through exploring, investigating, designing and making in a range of media.
It promotes observation and ways of seeing and helps the child to acquire sensitivity to the visual, spatial, and tactile world and to aesthetic experience.
- To develop awareness of line, form, space, and texture.
- To give pleasure and enjoyment to the children.
- To develop the children’s sense of self-awareness.
- To develop artistic language skills and acquire artistic vocabulary.
- To develop the children’s creative skills.
- To develop an awareness of different forms of art through various media.
- To develop an appreciation of different art forms .
- To develop self- expression and the imagination of the children.
- To develop skills and technique for expression and invention.
- To promote children’s understanding of, and response to the creation of 2D and 3D shapes.
- To instil confidence in the children.
It is intended to cover six strands of the art curriculum- drawing, paint and colour, print, construction , clay and fabric over a two year period.
Junior, Senior Infants and First Classes
Strand 1- Drawing
- Making different lines
- Making a line that changes (a) across a page, (b) using different drawing tools.
- Using different lines together (a) at random, (b) to make a pattern
- Making pictures using different textures and colour of paper.
Strand 2- Paint and colour
- Painting using thick and thin brushes.
- Moving paint around in different ways.
- Painting using other tools.
- Using and describing colour.
- Mixing colour and changing colour.
- More colour and less colour.
- Textured painting- sponge painting.
- Exploring colour-different shades of the same colour.
- Mixing two primary colours e.g. red + yellow = orange.
Strand 3 – Print
- Pressing on and taking of –exploring the technique of darker and lighter.
- Random patterns.
- Repeat patterns.
- Money rubbings.
- Uses for printing – borders, frames , copy covers, invitations, cards.
Strand 4 – Clay
- Using marla.
- Free play with materials –squeezing etc.
- Make a varity of forms – twisty etc.
- Creating figures from marla.
Strand 5 Construction.
- Free play with construction toys e. g. mobile blocks etc.
- Build a stair or wall with light boxes e.g. Calvita cheese boxes. Talk about tallest, widest etc.
- Paper plate mask making.
Strand 6 Fabric and Fibre
- Lacing card
- Handling and describing textiles.
- Folding and colouring textiles.
- Colour Collage.
- Collages using different textures of the same colour fabrics.
Second Class, Third and Fourth Classes
Strand 1 Drawing
- Sketching-shoes.
- Viewfinder-local scene
- Chalk on sugar paper.
- Copy-still life e.g.Sunflowers by Van Gough
Strand 2 Paint and colour
- Thematic painting e.g. Seasons.
- Sea scene / Explore sea.
- Rainbow.
- Fold over paintings-butterfly.
Strand 3- Print
- Vegetable Printing.
- Leaf rubbings-crayon.
- Sponge-Printing – (pack of sponges)
- Repeat Patterns
Strand 4 – Clay
- Thumb pots.
- Fruit bowl,
- Bronze Age jewellery, tools
Strand 5 – Construction
- Egg Mobiles, houses
- Drawbridge, crannog
- Cone figures- dolmens
Strand 6 – Fabric and Fibre
- Tea cosy, cushions, knitting
- Fabric Collage
- Fabric Weaving, flowers on cushions
Fifth and Sixth Classes
Strand 1- Drawing
- Charcoal
- Draw a face-half and complete
- Indian ink
- Chalk
- Pastels
Strand 2 – and Colour
- Paper Batik
- Marbling
- Posters
- Colour wheel- shading
- Card- pastels
Strand 3 – Print
- Vegetable and fruit printing
- Natural objects
- Frieze
- Signed print
- Design posters
Strand 4 – Clay
- Head in clay
- Coiling
- Free play
Strand 5 – Construction
- Paper sculptures with moving parts.
- Make a model of immediate school environment.
- Plastic construction
- Oasis, logs, leaves etc. ( Christmas)
- Class project
Strand 6 – Fabric and Fibre
- Weaving
- Stitching
- Wool Collage
Responding to Art:
Display: Church, local hall
Health and Safety; care and attention will be emphasised when children are handling sharp objects, eg, scissors, blades.
Teacher observation
Individual art portfolios for children.
Special Needs
Integration of art to allow them to do their work.